Thursday, December 10, 2009

Pages 144-199

Congratulations on your first blog! I enjoyed reading your thinking and especially liked the conversation that went on between the two of you towards the end of the blog. This is why it is important to post early, so that you have a lot of time to respond to one another and reflect on what was said. For your next assignment I would like you to read pages 145-199 by Sunday and answer the questions below (you can certainly do this sooner). We will meet again on Tuesday so that should give you enough time on Monday to respond to what your classmates have written as well as what I have written. Happy reading! I think you will enjoy the end of part two!

1.) The book is broken into dates and three parts. Why do you think the other did this, rather than using chapters? How does it help or hinder your understanding of the book?
2.) Paul confessed to Tino that he had turned the team in for what went on at the carnival. What does Tino's reaction tell you about the relationship between Paul and Tino?
3.) Tangerine middle school soccer team won the competition with Lake Windsor. What was the signifigance of this win in Paul's life?
4.) What are you thoughts on the book now that you have finished part 2?


  1. Jay

    I cannot wait to start blogging about the next part of the book. I wanted to make a prediction about the second question. I think that after Paul tells Tino that he turned them in after the carnival, Tino will take it hard at first, but then get over it, and somehow, they will become friends. I think this because I do not know how the author would make Paul so happy about being on a soccer team, but then put an enemy on the same team. Plus, since Tino and Victor are good friends, Victor would take Tino's side, and they would both be his enemies. And then, after that, the rest of the team would go with Victor since Victor is the captain of the team. Then the whole entire team would be against Paul, and that would not work in with the rest of the story.

  2. Jay

    1.) I think the author broke the book into dates because it helps the reader understand what is happening each day, and you also know how the characters are feeling from day to day.

  3. Jay

    Another thing I just thoght of is that the dates give you a feel for how much happens in one day for Paul. I think his troubles are pretty stretched out as far as things happening in one day.

  4. Jay

    2.) It says that Tino gave Paul a sly smile as he left and told him to tell his friends about what had happened. I think that Tino was not to upset and that he just wanted to give Paul something to say about him so that Paul's friends knew about Tino and thought that he was so tough. I still think that Paul and Tino will turn out to be good friends.

  5. Jay

    3.) I think the signifigance that this win had in Paul's life was the fact that Paul had not been able to play soccer at Lake Windsor Downs but then had been able to at Tangerine. Then he went and beat the team that would not let him play soccer.

  6. Jay

    4.) I now confirm my thought that Victor is a good person after reading about him in the second part of tyhe book. I also really like Mr. Donelly because of how nice he was to Paul. I was just as surprised as Paul when I found out that Henry D.'s older brother was Wayne, the fire fighter that had come to their house earlier in the book. I still am wondering how Paul lost his eyesight if it wasn't from an eclpse because the author still has not given us any hints about how he lost it. I think that he is going to tell us very soon because he has not talked about it for so long.

  7. I think the author broke the book into three parts because each part kind of has one main topic. Like, part one is about him going to Lake Windsor, Part two is about him going to Tangerine Middle school after the sink hole. I think that part three is going to be about him finding out how he lost his eyesight.

  8. Danielle

    I think that Tino doesn't really like Paul and he is only nice to him because he's on the soccer team. I think that if Sandra saw him being mean to Paul she would be angry with him. Tino has a really bad temper and he takes his anger out on Paul.

    I think the win on Lake Winsdor was important for Paul because he wanted to show Gino and Tommy that he could beat them. Also he wanted to show Tangerine that he was better than they thought he was.

  9. Danielle

    I think that Paul's parents are not telling him the truth about how he lost his eye sight because it might have somthing to do with Erik. Maybe Erik was the one who turned Paul's head to the eclpse. If this is true Paul's parents might not have told him because the wanted Paul to be friends with Erik.

  10. Jay

    I think that it is wierd that Lake Windsor Downs soccer coach, Coach Walski, had Paul as a backup for his team, so he didn't think that Paul was very good. So when Sandra got hurt and had to go he didn't say anything about the IEP because he didn't think Paul was going to do good. But then when Paul started to make really good plays, the coach deciced to mention the IEP.

  11. Danielle

    I think that in part three coach Walski will call the police for Paul playing in the game and they will have to have a rematch. Paul might also have to fill out another I.E.P.

  12. Danielle

    Jay, I don't think that coach Walski mentioned the I.E.P. because he didn't think that he wasn't good. I think he mentioned it because he didn't think that Paul could play after they moved his file from Lake Windsor to Tangerine. I think he was surprised because they hadn't seen the I.E.P.

  13. Jay

    I think that Paul will not have to fill out another IEP because that would defeat the whole purpose of him fighting with Tino, and Victor. It also will end the fight with him and Joey because Paul will not be hanging out with the guys from the soccer team anymore. That means no Victor. And that means that Paul and Joey will not be fighting anymore. If that were to happen, then I think that Paul would go back to Lake Windsor Downs with Joey.

  14. Danielle

    I think that if Paul has to stop playing soccer he will stay at Tangerine because he wants to stay with Sandra and after they stop fighting, Tino.

  15. Danielle

    Jay, I think that Paul won't go back because I he gets kicked off Joey might not even hear about it and so he won't want to be friends.
