Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Part 3 Pages 203-244

For your assignment I would like you to begin by reading the assigned pages. Once you have finished, I would like you to ask 3 open ended questions for your partner to answer. You should finish the assigned reading and asking the open ended questions by Friday so that your partner has time to answer them over the weekend. The entire assignment will be due on Monday. Happy Reading, you are to the best part of the book-where all your questions get answered!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Pages 144-199

Congratulations on your first blog! I enjoyed reading your thinking and especially liked the conversation that went on between the two of you towards the end of the blog. This is why it is important to post early, so that you have a lot of time to respond to one another and reflect on what was said. For your next assignment I would like you to read pages 145-199 by Sunday and answer the questions below (you can certainly do this sooner). We will meet again on Tuesday so that should give you enough time on Monday to respond to what your classmates have written as well as what I have written. Happy reading! I think you will enjoy the end of part two!

1.) The book is broken into dates and three parts. Why do you think the other did this, rather than using chapters? How does it help or hinder your understanding of the book?
2.) Paul confessed to Tino that he had turned the team in for what went on at the carnival. What does Tino's reaction tell you about the relationship between Paul and Tino?
3.) Tangerine middle school soccer team won the competition with Lake Windsor. What was the signifigance of this win in Paul's life?
4.) What are you thoughts on the book now that you have finished part 2?

Monday, December 7, 2009


Welcome to the Tangerine blog. I am looking forward to reading your thinking about our book and discussing the book in a new and exciting way! Remember that when you are using the blog, you are always responsible for completing the assignment, however if you like you may always add additional thoughts and comments about our book.

For your first assignment, please answer the questions below by Wednesday. Remember to number each response and use evidence from the book to support your thinking. Also, remember to put your name at the end of your entry as though you are signing a letter. Happy blogging!

1.) In part two of the book, Paul attends Lake Windsor Middle school. How are the two schools and soccer teams different?

2.) Why do you think that Joey Costello acted the way he did at Tangerine middle school? Why do you think Paul could deal with going there, but Joey couldn't?

3.) It appears from the beginning of the book that although Paul has poor eyesight, he is the only one in his family that can really "see" the bad side of Eric. Why do you think this is?

4.) Write your thinking about the book so far. For example, how are you feeling about the characters, what are you noticing about the book that is different from others you have read etc.

Mrs. Heilmann